Full set of veneers cost Turkey

Full set of veneers cost Turkey

In many countries, dental veneers are costly, but full set of veneers cost Turkey  is very affordable, making the treatment available to everybody. This treatment is the quickest and the most reliable way to permanently improve your smile.


From £ 2900


A Few Days


Beautiful Smile

Our clinic in Turkey offers several types of full-mouth veneer procedures suitable for the needs of different patients. The treatments differ in the types of veneers installed and their number, allowing the patients to get the exact smile they wished for.

Table of Contents

What is a full set of dental veneers?

Full-set veneer treatment in Turkey is a dental treatment used to change the appearance of the patient’s smile. The treatment is performed by installing a certain number of dental veneers, as determined by the patient’s smile line. The procedure yields permanent results, as a veneer replaces the front part of the patient’s tooth.

In Turkey, this treatment is usually performed to change the visible shape of the teeth, such as closing gaps or hiding cracks, but is also increasingly used as a long-lasting tooth whitening procedure.

What is a full set of dental veneers_

The most used types of dental veneers are more resistant to staining than natural teeth and can be made in a variety of shades, allowing the patient to have a smile that does not need constant tooth whitening procedures to keep the colour stable.


The treatment cost will depend on the number of dental veneers a patient requires and the material they are made of. Most typical full-mouth veneer solutions consist of sixteen, eighteen or twenty veneers.

20 Zirconium Veneers

  • Zirconium Veneers 20
  • VIP Transfer
  • Consultation
  • Accommodation
  • panoramic x-ray
  • Travel Assistance
  • Local Anesthesia
£ 3300

20 Porcelain Veneers

  • Porcelain veneers 20
  • VIP Transfer
  • Consultation
  • Accommodation
  • panoramic x-ray
  • Travel Assistance
  • Local Anesthesia
£ 2900

16 E-Max Veneers

  • E-Max veneers 16
  • VIP Transfer
  • Consultation
  • Accommodation
  • panoramic x-ray
  • Travel Assistance
  • Local Anesthesia
£ 3660

What is a veneer?

In Turkey, two types of dental prostheses can be referred to as dental veneers. They are laminate veneers and full veneers. Both types can be made of similar materials and are attached to an irreversibly prepared tooth to change its shape or restore it. They differ in how much of the tooth they cover.

What is a veneer in Turkey

A full veneer covers the entire tooth. This type of prosthesis is more commonly known as a dental crown. They are typically used as a practical solution for tooth restoration, allowing the patient to restore a severely damaged tooth in a way that will not impede the ability to eat. Dental porcelains used for manufacturing full veneers are usually more durable than natural enamel, so the patient’s bite force is not reduced after the restoration procedure.

Laminate veneers are usually just called veneers. This is the type used in full-mouth veneer treatments. A laminate veneer covers the front and sides of the patient’s tooth. As these are the only parts normally visible to other people, changing their appearance completely changes the patient’s smile.


This is why laminate veneers are a preferred type for cosmetic smile transformation procedures. Their installation is not as invasive and expensive as getting dental crowns, but their aesthetic effects are comparable. Laminate veneers are also used to fix small cracks or to fill the gaps between teeth.

Why can there be a different number of veneers in a full set veneer treatment?

As mentioned before, full-set dental veneers Turkey price depends on the number of dental veneers installed during treatment, which can range from sixteen to twenty. During an online consultation, the doctors will ask you to take a photo of your smile, which will help them determine the number of dental veneers you need. Why do some people need less veneers for their treatment?

Why can there be a different number of veneers in a full set veneer treatment_

The answer is simple. Not every patient needs to get twenty dental veneers in Turkey to have the best aesthetic improvement. The photo you will take will be used to determine your smile line. This measurement describes the number of teeth visible when you smile widely. Some of your molars are seldom visible under normal circumstances, no matter how widely you try to smile. As such, placing dental veneers on them will not have any effect, as their outer surfaces won’t be seen by anyone.


Patients with narrow smiles will need fewer dental veneers for their full-mouth treatment because they have more teeth that are not visible to others. As the primary function of a dental veneer is cosmetic, it is counterproductive to permanently alter a tooth and waste money on changing a tooth no one will see.

Who is a good candidate for a full set of veneers in Turkey?

Installing dental veneers in Turkey entails a permanent change in the shape of the teeth, as veneers need space to prevent them from protruding. The doctor will shave some of the enamel from the front of the patient’s teeth during the smile transformation treatment to make space for the dental veneers. While the procedure is not particularly invasive, the patients should meet the following criteria to be eligible for dental veneer installation:

The patients are not eligible for the treatment if their teeth are severely damaged or can not support dental veneers. Patients with tooth misalignment should have an orthodontic treatment before installing dental veneers.

Patients with severe onychophagia or compulsive nail biting are also not eligible for the treatment. Material properties of dental porcelain make it susceptible to damage from repeatedly biting durable objects, such as nails, potentially leading to crack formation.

How much are veneers in Turkey?

Turkey is so popular among medical tourists because they can get world-class dental treatments that won’t cost them an arm and a leg. While veneers cost Turkey can differ between different clinics, even the most expensive ones will be more affordable than in the UK or other Western European countries.

Set of Veneers
16 Porcelain
£ 8.200 - 16.600
£ 10.300 - 30.200
£ 1.700 - 3.500
16 E-MAX
£ 10.400 - 1.440
£ 12.500 - 34.600
£ 2.400 - 4.200

For example, an average price of a full dental veneer set at Parmire in Turkey is £ 3400. This price is doubly advantageous to the patient, as it includes additional services that make travel and stay in Turkey easy. The package deal for dental veneer installation at our clinic in Turkey includes services such as accommodation, in-country transport service, anaesthesia and medications, as well as additional check-ups and online consultations.


Many patients are curious why healthcare prices in Turkey are so low. The answer is rather complex, but the key factor is Turkey’s low living costs. This means goods and services in Turkey generally cost less than in counties with higher living costs. It also makes running a clinic cheaper. The clinics can pay less for rent and medication than they would need to if they were in a country with higher living costs. Quality medical education in Turkey is cheaper as well.

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All these factors make Turkey teeth veneers price affordable to any visitor without making the quality of the smile transformation treatments lower. In fact, Parmire uses dental veneers manufactured by famous brands from Germany and other countries. We can use the same dental veneers as clinics in the UK without raising our prices because the government of Turkey offers the clinics subsidies. Medical tourism is important for the country, so the government tries to make healthcare prices in Turkey more competitive in the world market.

Any Questions Left?

Who is a good candidate for a full set of veneers in Turkey?

At Parmire in Turkey, full-moth dental veneer procedures can be performed using several different dental veneer types. The material of the dental veneer influences its price and physical properties. Some veneer types are more durable than others or have better aesthetic properties. The most common materials used today are composite resin, zirconia and E-max. There is also a proprietary type of dental veneer called Lumineers, which is made of porcelain.

Zirconia veneers

Zirconium Veneers for everyone in Turkey

Patients with severe onychophagia or compulsive nail biting are also not eligible for the treatment. Material properties of dental porcelain make it susceptible to damage from repeatedly biting durable objects, such as nails, potentially leading to crack formation.


Zirconia, just like other dental porcelains, is susceptible to damage from repeated mechanical stress, such as from compulsive nail biting or tooth grinding. Patients with bruxism may be advised to wear a special device during sleep, which will prevent them from involuntary tooth grinding at night.

E-max veneers

E-Max veneers in Turkey

E-max dental veneers in Turkey are made of a special type of dental porcelain that closely mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel. E-max veneers are slightly translucent, similar to enamel, so they scatter light just like natural tooth enamel. This is the best choice of veneer for a natural-looking smile restoration. E-max veneers are stronger than composite resin, but are not as durable as zirconia. They also tend to cost more than zirconia veneers.


Dental Lumineers in Turkey

Lumineers are a state-of-the-art type of extra-thin porcelain dental veneers. Lumineers are five times thinner than conventional veneers, allowing the doctor to install them without removing too much of the natural enamel. Because of this, lumineer treatments are reversible. At any point after installation, the patient can have the dentist remove these veneers. The amount of shaved enamel is so small as to be imperceptible after the veneer is removed.

Even though they are very thin, Lumineers are comparable in durability to E-max veneers. They are translucent and look very similar to natural enamel. Their thinness can make them unsuitable for patients with big cracks in the teeth, as the cracks will remain visible under the veneers.

Composite veneers

Composite Bonding in Turkey

Composite dental veneers in Turkey are made of a polymer material called composite resin. This type of dental veneer is rarely used for full-mouth smile restorations because it is inferior in both durability and aesthetics. It is by far the least expensive veneer type, so it is useful as a temporary solution for individual teeth. Composite resin is soft and opaque, which can make the veneer scatter light differently than surrounding teeth.

Composite dental veneers can be manufactured in the lab or made directly on the tooth. Because the resin is a polymer, the doctor can sculpt the veneer right on the patient’s tooth and then cure the resin to harden it. This technique makes the treatment quicker and cheaper, but the resulting veneer is less durable than if it was made in the lab.

How is full-set veneer treatment performed in Turkey?

A full-set veneer treatment at Parmire in Turkey is performed in several steps. As each veneer set is manufactured to order to properly fit the patient’s teeth, the patients will need to wait for several days while they are made. This is why the treatment can take up to a week to perform.

How is full-set veneer treatment performed in Turkey_

During the first visit to the clinic in Turkey, the doctors will examine your teeth to determine the number of veneers you will need, as well as to take scans of your dentition that will be used to manufacture the veneers. The dentist will then prepare the patient’s teeth for veneer installation by shaving some of the enamel down. The patients will be provided with temporary veneers to protect their teeth. After this, the patient can return to their hotel while they wait for veneers to be made.The Turkish government supports the development of medical tourism by providing tax incentives for clinics that accept foreign people.

During the next visit, the dentist will fit the dental veneers to the teeth and make adjustment plans.

On the third visit, the dentist will install the adjusted permanent veneers, after which the treatment is completed. The doctors will give the patients detailed care instructions to ensure the long service life of the installed veneers.

The care for dental veneers is not dissimilar to a regular oral hygiene routine. The patients need to brush their teeth regularly and floss them once a day. Patients with bruxism are advised to wear a mouth guard at night to prevent damaging the veneers. The patients should visit a dentist for professional veneer cleaning and to ensure good oral health.

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