Porcelain Veneers in Turkey

Porcelain Veneers in Turkey


From £ 140


3-7 Days


Beautiful Smile

Porcelain veneers in Turkey are among the best smile restoration treatments available today. Veneer installation will help you permanently alter outwardly visible parts of your teeth, fixing such issues as cracks, gaps, and crooked dentition.

With great package deals by Parmire, getting veneers in Turkey is easy and affordable. Our clinic uses the best dental veneer systems made by established manufacturers, which allows us to offer our patients world-class tooth restoration treatments.

Table of Contents

What are porcelain dental veneers in Turkey?

Porcelain dental veneers are a class of dental prostheses made of any kind of dental porcelain or ceramic. While these dental prostheses are similar to dental crowns in installation, their principal use case is aesthetic treatments. This is because veneers only alter the outwardly visible part of the teeth, which are the front and sides. 

Moreover, full smile restoration treatments that use veneers only require the patient to install veneers on the visible dentition to get their maximum effect, making veneer installation the most cost-effective solution for smile restorations.

Dental veneers are much less invasive to install compared to other dental prostheses. A veneer is a thin slab of durable material covering the front and sides of the tooth. As these are the only parts visible when a person talks or eats, by installing dental veneers, the patient can completely transform their look. A veneer can cover cracks and gaps or make a crooked tooth appear straight. Veneer installation can also be used as a long-term tooth-whitening procedure, as ceramic is more stain-resistant than tooth enamel.

Other Types of Dental Veneers

How are porcelain veneers different from other veneer types?

When comparing different veneer types, you may notice that porcelain veneers cost Turkey are more expensive than the other types. This is because dental porcelain is generally a more high-quality material. Using porcelain as a material for veneer manufacturing allows for several advantages:

Porcelain is more durable than alternative materials

A dental porcelain veneer is much more durable than a composite resin veneer, the second-most popular class of veneers for tooth restorations. Although the strength of porcelain veneers depends on the exact type of ceramic used, all of them are more resistant to damage than composite resin.

It is more natural-looking

Compared to composite resin, dental porcelain is closer in appearance to natural tooth enamel. Even opaque zirconia veneers mimic natural tooth enamel closely enough to not look out of place, especially when used for full smile restorations. The more modern, though more expensive, types of porcelain can mimic the translucency of enamel, making them blend in perfectly with your natural dentition, even if you are only getting a few of them.

It is more resistant to staining

Resin veneers are highly susceptible to staining, requiring periodical professional cleaning at the dentist’s. Ceramic materials, in contrast, are less prone to staining than natural enamel, so they can be an effective tooth-whitening solution.

Any Questions Left?

How much are porcelain veneers Turkey?

The cost of porcelain veneer treatments in Turkey is lower than in most other countries due to the unique characteristics of Turkey’s healthcare. Many clinics in Turkey offer their services to both the country’s residents and medical tourists who come to Turkey specifically to receive affordable, high-quality medical care. The government of Turkey, recognising that medical tourism is one of the contributing factors to the country’s prestige, controls the quality of service and offers the clinics subsidies in exchange. As a result, the price for the patients is much lower.

dental price comparison in Turkey

Furthermore, the price is decreased further by Turkey’s low living costs. Low living costs mean that rent, medications, and other business expenses are lower, so the clinics do not need to have high prices to compensate for them. All this allows clinics, such as Parmire, to use high-quality foreign and domestically manufactured medical supplies at a lower cost than they would have been offered in clinics in counties such as the UK. For example, the average cost of a porcelain veneer smile restoration at Parmire is £ 2900.

Set of Veneers
16 Porcelain
£ 8.200 - 16.600
£ 10.300 - 30.200
£ 1.700 - 3.500
16 E-Max
£ 10.400 - 1.440
£ 12.500 - 34.600
£ 2.400 - 4.200

Veneer treatments at Parmire are offered as package deals, so travelling to Turkey becomes easy and convenient. Once the patient purchases the treatment, they only need to get a flight to Turkey and back, as all other aspects of their stay will be managed by us. The patient will get in-country transfers and accommodation at a luxury hotel. The cost includes the price of anaesthesia and other medications, so there will be no extra hidden costs.

How do I determine how many veneers I need for a full-set porcelain veneer treatment?

The final price of any veneer treatment will depend on how many veneers the patient needs. When a patient wants to completely transform their appearance, they will need a full set dental veneer treatments. Even though it may seem this means they will need a veneer for each tooth, the actual veneer quantity is determined by their smile line.

Why can there be a different number of veneers in a full set veneer treatment_

A smile line is the line of teeth visible when a patient grins widely. Their quantity determines how many veneers a patient will need. This is because the other teeth won’t be visible under normal circumstances, so they won’t benefit from an aesthetic treatment. The teeth outside the line are obscured by lips or gums, so they do not influence the outward appearance of the patient’s dentition.


During the initial online consultation, our doctors will ask the patient to take several photos of their dentition, which will help them to give the cost of a dental veneer procedure before the patient travels to Turkey.

What types of porcelain dental veneers are offered at Parmire?

Another criterion that influences the porcelain veneers Turkey price is their material. Dentistry is constantly improving, so there is a wide variety of dental ceramic and porcelain materials used for making veneers. The material influences every physical property of a veneer, from its minimum thickness to its colour and opacity.

Conventional porcelain dental veneers

Conventional porcelain dental veneers in Turkey

Conventional dental porcelain, such as feldspathic ceramic, is an established material with a long history of usage for manufacturing different types of dental prostheses. Veneers made of these materials tend to be natural-looking and durable. Because these are not proprietary materials, conventional Turkey porcelain veneers cost is usually average.

Conventional porcelain is durable but can crack if subjected to repeated high-pressure stress, such as when a patient grinds their teeth (bruxism) or bites their nails. For these reasons, dentists may recommend patients with bruxism get a mouth guard to prevent involuntary tooth grinding during sleep.

Zirconia porcelain dental veneers

Zirconium Veneers for everyone in Turkey

Zirconium porcelain, also known as zirconia, is a modern type of dental ceramic known for its exceptional durability. The material is so resistant to damage, that it is colloquially known as ceramic steel. Zirconia veneers are more expensive than those made of conventional ceramics, but they can provide a longer service time.

Unlike many other types of porcelain and natural tooth enamel, zirconia is opaque, possibly making zirconium porcelain veneers stand out when installed among untreated dentition. But this opaqueness allows the patient to get brightly white teeth. This use of zirconia for smile restorations is sometimes called the Hollywood smile treatment, referring to the shining, bright smiles of Hollywood stars.

Even though zirconium porcelain contains the word zirconium in its name, the material is considered metal-free, as all zirconium atoms in the ceramic are part of zirconium dioxide molecules. Because of this, zirconia veneers are suitable for patients with metal allergies or other adverse reactions to prolonged contact with metallic surfaces.

E-max dental veneers

E-Max veneers in Turkey

E-max is a proprietary name for lithium disilicate ceramic used for manufacturing dental prostheses. Sometimes referred to as glass-ceramic, this material is durable and indistinguishable from natural tooth enamel in appearance. The E-max ceramic is highly translucent, which allows it to display the natural colour of the patient’s teeth. This makes it the best material for patients who only want to change the shape of their teeth without altering their colour.

The material is less durable than zirconia, being on par with conventional porcelain. Because of its high translucency, E-max can be unsuitable for patients with root canal treatments or severely damaged teeth, as the damage or root canal alterations can show through the translucent ceramic.


Dental Lumineers in Turkey

A Lumineer is a type of very thin porcelain dental veneer that can be installed without pre-treating the patient’s teeth. When installing other veneer types, the dentist will shave off a part of the enamel from the front of the tooth, making an indentation for a veneer. Otherwise, the dental veneer will protrude outward.

Lumineers are thin enough to place on untreated teeth without visibly making them thicker. Because of this, their installation is a fully non-invasive and reversible procedure. This makes them the perfect choice for changing tooth colour. Nevertheless, the thinness of Lumineers prevents installing them on severely damaged or crooked teeth.

What dental issues can be resolved using porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers in Turkey are a perfect solution for the following issues:

Severe tooth discolouration

Patients with very yellow or otherwise discoloured dentition can get poor results from ordinary tooth whitening procedures. In this case, getting porcelain veneers will allow them to revert their dentition to a brilliant white colour. Because veneers fully cover the visible parts of the teeth, they can be used to whiten even the most discoloured teeth.

Cracks and other types of non-severe tooth damage

Cracks and other types of superficial damage that do not interfere with tooth function but look unsightly are ideal for veneer treatment. By installing veneers, patients can permanently restore the shape of their teeth.

Crooked teeth

Veneers can make crooked or slightly misaligned teeth appear straight and orderly. Veneers can also close gaps between teeth without installing dental crowns.

Gummy smile

Some people have small teeth that make their smiles show comparatively larger parts of their gums. Veneers can make their teeth appear slightly larger and taller, visually balancing their smiles.

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What is the process for porcelain veneer installation at Parmire?

The treatment will begin with the first online consultation, during which the doctors will examine the photos of the patient’s dentition to determine the best veneer type and quantity for the subsequent procedure.


What is the process for porcelain veneer installation in Turkey

After the consultation, the doctors will provide the patient with an individual treatment plan, dealing with how and when the treatment will be performed. The patient will need to fly on their own as international air travel is subject to many restrictions, but many other aspects of their stay in Turkey will be managed by our clinic.

After arriving in Turkey, our transfer service will take the patient to their hotel. We will also provide other free in-country transfers, such as from the hotel to the clinic and back.


On the day of the treatment, the doctors will first make the scans of the patient’s dentition and then prepare them for veneer installation by shaving some of the tooth enamel. Porcelain veneers are made in a lab and custom-made using the dental scans made during the visit. Because of this, the patient will need to wait several days before the initial tooth preparation and veneer installation. In the meantime, they will be provided with temporary tooth covers for protection.


After the veneers are manufactured, the patient will need to return to our clinic for installation. It is a quick procedure after which the patient can return home. The treatment is complete after this step. The dentists will give the patient detailed recommendations on veneer care, but in broad strokes, it is not unlike regular oral care.

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